
AI Product Photography: Pro Tips for Stunning Shots

December 15, 2023

High-quality product photos are essential in capturing the attention of potential buyers, building trust, and driving conversions. However, obtaining these images can be a challenging task. In this blog, we will explore the challenges when it comes to creating product images and how AI can be a game-changer in solving these challenges, and the benefits of using good product photos and provide tips for achieving them.

Challenges for e-commerce: product images

First, achieving a high level of quality and consistency in product imagery across a diverse inventory is an enormous undertaking that can stretch resources thin, particularly for retailers with vast product lines. In order to create appealing product images, the financial burden of employing professional photographers or investing in advanced photographic equipment is often substantial. Organizing, staging, and executing photoshoots for each individual item adds layers of complexity and can significantly drain time and manpower. Not to mention that the intricate process of editing and enhancing images requires the precision and expertise of seasoned photo editors, which adds to operational expenses.

Benefits of using good product photos

Enhance product appeal

High-quality images make your products look more attractive and inviting. They showcase the product’s features, texture, and color accurately. This can lead to a more emotional connection with potential customers.

Reflect the brand image

Consistent, well-edited photos help convey a professional and trustworthy brand image. When customers see that you invest in the presentation of your products, it builds confidence in your brand.

Lead to more conversions

When customers can clearly see what they’re buying, they are more likely to make a purchase. High-quality images with accurate representations of the product can significantly increase conversion rates.

Build trust

Clear, high-resolution images build trust by providing customers with a transparent view of the product. When customers trust what they see, they are more likely to complete a transaction.

Boost visibility

Enhanced images are more shareable on social media platforms and search engines. They stand out, increasing your brand’s visibility and attracting potential customers to your e-commerce store. High-quality images can also improve your search engine rankings.


Tips for getting better product photos

Before diving into how AI can help, let’s explore in-depth some practical tips for capturing great product photos.

Product photo production

  1. Acquire the appropriate equipment: While you don’t necessarily need the most expensive gear, having a good camera with adjustable settings and a variety of lenses can make a significant difference in the quality of your photos.
  2. Familiarize yourself with exposure adjustments: Learn how to adjust settings like aperture, shutter speed, and ISO to control the exposure of your photos. This knowledge allows you to capture the right amount of light and achieve the desired depth of field.
  3. Pay Attention to Lighting: Lighting is crucial for product photography. Natural light, diffused through a softbox or window, often works well. Alternatively, use artificial lighting sources to create an even and well-lit environment.
  4. Learn how to focus and control the image depth: Achieving sharp focus on the product is essential. You can experiment with different f-stops to control the depth of field, ensuring that the relevant parts of the product are in focus while the background is pleasantly blurred.
  5. Consider using a tripod: A tripod stabilizes your camera, preventing shaky shots. This is especially important when using slower shutter speeds or when capturing close-up details.
  6. Choose a white background: A clean, white background eliminates distractions and allows your product to be the focal point of the image. You can use seamless paper, fabric, or a lightbox to achieve this effect.
  7. Try different angles: Try different angles to find the most flattering view of your product. Some products look best from above, while others benefit from a three-quarter view. Experimentation will help you find the ideal angle for each product.
  8. Keep the sizes consistent: When photographing a range of products, ensure that they appear similar in size in your photos. This consistency creates a visually appealing product catalog.
Shot of a photographer working in his studio


  1. Ensure Sharp Images: Sharpening your images in post-processing can enhance the overall clarity and detail, making your products more appealing.
  2. Showcase Product Details: Use post-processing techniques to bring out the details and features of your products. Adjusting contrast, brightness, and saturation can help emphasize these aspects.
  3. Manage Reflections: Reflections can be distracting or add visual interest, depending on your intent. In post-processing, you can reduce unwanted reflections or enhance them to highlight certain product attributes.
Woman using stylus pen for image editing on tablet computer

How AI helps to get better product photos

AI has revolutionized the way e-commerce businesses manage and present their product images. By leveraging AI technology, companies can streamline their operations, enhance visual appeal, and boost customer engagement.

  1. Automated Editing: AI-driven tools like Vmake can automatically edit and enhance product images. They can adjust brightness, contrast, color balance, and sharpness, ensuring that each image meets the desired quality standards. This not only saves time but also maintains consistency across the product catalog.
  2. Object Recognition and Segmentation: AI algorithms are adept at recognizing and isolating objects within images. This capability is invaluable for e-commerce, as it allows for the automatic removal of backgrounds, shadows, and reflections. AI tools can accurately segment the product from its surroundings, resulting in clean and professional images.
  3. Image Enhancement: AI can enhance various aspects of product images, from colors and sharpness to overall image quality. This leads to more visually appealing photos that capture the essence of the product and its details. Image enhancement can make even mundane products look more enticing.
  4. Background Removal and Replacement: AI can effortlessly remove the background from product images, making the subject stand out. It can then replace the background with a uniform, brand-appropriate setting, giving all product photos a consistent and professional look.
  5. Style Transfer and Filters: AI allows for the application of different styles and filters to product images. This can be used to create unique and eye-catching visual aesthetics. For example, you can apply a vintage or minimalist filter to match your brand’s identity or to create a specific mood around the product.
  6. Image Upscaling: AI-powered upscaling techniques can increase the resolution and size of images without causing pixelation or loss of quality. This enables customers to zoom in and examine product details closely without compromising image clarity.

Recommended tools for AI generated product image

To harness the power of AI in improving your product photos, several cutting-edge tools and software solutions are available. These tools can help streamline the entire photography process, from image capture to post-processing. Here are some recommended tools that e-commerce businesses can leverage:

Vmake: Vmake is an all-in-one AI solution that offers a range of features, including background removal, background changer, outpainting, and much more. It simplifies the entire photo editing process, making it easy to achieve professional-quality product images with ease. Remove Background is a specialized tool for automated background removal and replacement. It uses AI algorithms to accurately isolate the product from its background, allowing you to seamlessly replace or clean up the surroundings. This tool is particularly useful for achieving a uniform, professional look in your product catalog. offers a range of AI-powered features for product photography, including style transfer and image generation. You can use this tool to apply unique styles and filters to your product images, ensuring they align with your brand’s identity. Additionally, can generate product images from scratch, which is beneficial for businesses with customizable or new products.


In the highly competitive world of e-commerce, high-quality product images are a must for attracting customers, building trust, and increasing conversions. While the challenges of obtaining these images can be daunting, AI provides a powerful solution. By automating various aspects of photography, from capture to editing, AI helps businesses save time and resources while ensuring consistent, top-notch product photos. The benefits of good product photos are evident, and with AI on your side, your e-commerce business can stand out and thrive in the digital marketplace.